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Breakfast Meet at Denham Airfield

3 May 2015

Following a good response to our last breakfast meet we plan to make this a regular part of the diary and arrange to meet about four times a year. 

The next Breakfast Meet will be at the Crew Room Denham Airfield on Sunday 3rd May. The plan is to arrive at the Crew room cafe at Denham aerodrome at 10am for tea, bacon rolls and enjoy a couple of hours sitting outside (hopefully the weather will be warmer than before) and looking at the Porsches in the car park

If you plan to come please let us know by signing up on the R21 Forum or e-mailing so that we have some idea of numbers to advise the café proprietor.

The Crew Room is at Denham Airfield (Denham Aerodrome, Hangar Road, Denham, Uxbridge, Buckinghamshire UB9 5DL) 
Google maps:

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