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Left DRL not working


New member
Hi. My car today just started reporting that the left drl is not working. Furthermore when the lights are switched on manually it then reports the left rear light has also failed. This seems very suspicious. It’s a 718 cayman. Is it off to the dealers with me?
Hi Paul,

Checking the fuse should be your first port of call.

CAN Bus systems can throw-up some odd warnings, so it may just be a failed DRL lamp. Just check that the left rear light actually is out.


The gremlins are back this morning. Once again the exact same symptoms. Tried swaping the fuse about (which on closer inspection, had never blown in the first place). I had to get on the road so I gave up, After about 30 mins of driving the problem went away. I restarted the car and all fine again.

So. Moisture somewhere? (nowhere feels damp) or perhaps the battery? I say battery as I'm guessing 30 mins of driving tops up the charge. COuld be a loose connection I guess. But I would expect a more frequent issue then.

Guess its time to call the OPC and main an appointment :|
I guarantee that as soon as you are within a mile of the OPC everything will be working fine!

Re-reading your first post, when the notification flashed up on the dashboard, was the DRL / Rear light actually out? The fact that the trunk popper also failed to operate suggests it is a battery issue. How old is the one you have?
I guarantee that as soon as you are within a mile of the OPC everything will be working fine!

Re-reading your first post, when the notification flashed up on the dashboard, was the DRL / Rear light actually out? The fact that the trunk popper also failed to operate suggests it is a battery issue. How old is the one you have?
I had to drive about 60 miles this morning, and when I stopped for fuel after 3 miles it was still an issue, but when I stopped at traffic lights after 15 miles it was fine again.

Is there a way I can cell the age of the battery? Its a 2016 car but I have only owned it for the last 6 months.

The car has been parked up now for 3 hours and its still fine. Wierd.
Intermittent problems are always difficult to trace Paul, particularly on modern cars with their CAN-bus systems where electronic modules common to a number of components are involved. A Porsche-specific diagnostic check [PIWIS or equivalent] should give a clue as to what’s happening in your case.

Any decent battery retailer should be able to run a check on your battery, usually FOC.

I’d be looking to use a reputable local Porsche Independent rather than a dealer to avoid their eye-watering labour charges [which can be significant for trouble-shooting exercises!😳], and probably they’ll be able check the battery condition too.

Hi. I know this will be keeping you all awake so I thought an update was needed. So having had the fault yesterday morning, which disappeared after a 30 minute drive in to North Wales, and was fine all the way home again, it reappeared this morning. But I didn't take the car out and took the 'other car'. Then this afternoon I checked again and it was fine again :D. Thats gremlins for you.

Weird. Anyways. Its booked in to the nearest OPC in a couple of weeks. I have a Porsche used car warranty so may as well let them have a look. I tried the local independent specialist and they said August!

Onwards! Lol.
Just leave it to the dealer to sort it. That’s why you have a warranty!😀

Let us know what happens.


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