Our May Club night at the Bieldside Inn will be on Thursday, 1 May. For those of you eating before the meeting the procedure for booking is as follows - please visit the Bieldside Inn's website HERE. When you have decided on your choice/s from the grill or the main menu only, please email this information including your name/s and choice/s to robinprovan@gmail.com.
This is the standard procedure for all bookings for food only. Your pre-order must be sent at least two days prior to the event. A cancellation within 48 hours will incur a charge of £10 per person. We shall be seated, where possible together, in the main restaurant commencing at 6.30pm.
For those attending the meeting only, this will start at 8pm in the Function Room, which is situated downstairs at the rear of the building overlooking the car park. Additional parking is available in Bieldside Station Road, Golf Road and the parking bay outside the shops in the North Deeside Road.
If you have never been before, our Club nights are very relaxed and informal affairs, to meet new and old friends. There is no agenda, although we do give a wee update on Club activities and plans. Topics are not restricted to just cars, and many +1s are not petrol heads, so don't be put off thinking it will be anorak-y (but if you want to talk nuts and bolts, we will happily oblige!)
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us.