WOTY 17-19th May (Weekend of The Year)
Geoffrey Stewart is arranging a weekend away in the Scottish Borders around Kelso. He is just researching suitable hotels and he has some drives planned. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested, to help Geoffrey with hotel arrangements. The idea is to travel up on the Friday afternoon/evening for dinner, a full day's drive on Saturday and to travel back on Sunday, either direct down the M6 or a scenic route. We have a good number of members who have expressed an interest. Geoffrey needs to know numbers interested so he can negotiate with the hotels.
All enquiries: r18@porscheclubgb.com
STOP PRESS: There are still a few places available for the R18 WOTY in the Scottish Borders, 17th-19th May. It’s sure to be a great trip with many great driving roads to explore and a visit to the Jim Clark Motorsport Museum in Duns arranged. We’ll be staying at the splendid Dryburgh Abbey Hotel just outside Melrose. If you’d like more details, please call or email Geoffrey on 07403 432932 or geoffrey6@mac.com. To book, just call the hotel on 01835 822261 and quote the reference CC0517.