It’s not just trick exhausts, reprogrammed ECUs and big wheels that could invalidate your insurance. Conversations in Club chat groups have recently highlighted the need to declare Paint Protection Film (PPF) as well.
One owner who believed that only performance modifications needed to be declared was refused a claim by a big-name, low-cost insurance company. Another owner, also with a big-name insurance company, is still discussing his claim after not declaring the PPF that came already fitted to his car.
“Technically, PPF is a modification and should be included within the total sum insured for the vehicle,” explains Andy Couper, head of specialist motor trade at Club insurance partner
Lockton. “We would not decline a claim from a Club member if PPF had not been declared, but our insurer (Aviva) could exclude the cost of replacing it from a total loss.”
The same is true for ceramic coating. It may go on like polish, but it’s a fixture on the vehicle and so should be declared. But don’t worry, it won’t hit your premiums too hard; unlike performance-orientated modifications, declaring PPF or ceramic coating should push them up only by the extent to which they increase the value of your car.
“This is another example of why specialist cover is a better option for Porsche enthusiasts,” says Andy. “We will always do our best to settle claims fairly and uphold our excellent reputation. Now that this issue has been highlighted, we are developing new processes that will add questions about PPF and ceramic coating to our application forms.”
To discuss your insurance requirements with Club partner Lockton, click
here. Remember to have your membership number to hand, which you can find
Discounts on Ceramic Coating and PPF
Club members can enjoy discounts on paint protection film and ceramic coatings thanks to Topaz and Gtechniq.
You can find these, and many more discounts available to Club members
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