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Porsche Panamera 970 TPMS Sensor Issue


PCGB Member
Desperate for help and advice with a Porsche Panamera 970 TPMS Sensor Issue.
To set the scene.
Purchased a Panamera GTS - Registered Date March 2012 so a 970 MK1.
The car was purchased from a non-Porsche dealer and I paid Porsche to check the car - they found no issues but the TPMS sensors were all ZERO Life. No errors on the dash and the TPMS in the car showed all the wheels spot on! So perfect fully functional.

I have the AUTEL DIAG LINK so I checked myself:-

I decided I needed to get them changed and updated with new TMPS sensors.
Google shopping found these:-

The numbers:-
5Q0 907 275B
433 MHZ

These were advertised as genuine replacement units! As I have not got the original at this point in time I have to trust!

The original units were removed at the local tyre garage and the new units fitted. Wheels / tyres balanced and put back on the car.

The original units on the car:-


The numbers:-
433 MHZ
So now the issue starts.
The car doesn't see the sensors and is not learning.
The tyre garage has a TPMS sensor reader / checker:-


All 4 wheels read perfect and each TPMS sensor numbers were noted down.

A trip to a local garage to get them programmed.

The garage used an AUTEL Ultra unit and could read the numbers as 0.00000000 for all 4 wheels which made no sense to me but the new unit numbers were added and the system said success.

A 30 mins drive and the car isn't trying to find them still.

Back to the garage this time using the AUTEL Ultra unit the control unit was added - which was on paper meant to kick the system to life and the numbers entered again and it said success.

Now the car shows

No monitoring system is learning.

A trip to Porsche and they have the car for a few hours and state the sensors work the car has no issues! but they cannot fix it.

I am now lost, Porsche want to spend more hours checking wiring etc. But as the car was perfect before I don't think this is the issue at all.

In my head the AUTEL Ultra system has messed up the car TPMS control unit. Does anyone have any ideas?
I do not want to throw more money into new TPMS sensors unless I know the car is learning and they read ok. I still have the original sensors.
I found this!
System learning
Tire Pressure Monitoring begins to "learn" the tires after a wheel change, wheel transmitter replacement or update of the tire settings.

During this process, Tire Pressure Monitoring recognises the wheels and their locations.

The message "No monitoring, System is learning" appears on the multi-function display.

The wheel learning process takes place exclusively when the vehicle is being driven (vehicle speed above 16 mph/25 km/h).

Tire Pressure Monitoring requires a certain amount of time to learn the wheels. During this time, the current tire pressures are not available on the multi-function display:
– The tire pressure warning light remains lit until all wheels have been learned.
– Lines (-.-) appear on the display of the "Tire pressure" function.
– The required pressures for cold tires (68 °F/ 20 °C) are indicated under "Fill info" in the "Tire pressure" main menu.

Position and pressure information is displayed as soon as Tire Pressure Monitoring has assigned the wheels recognised as belonging to the vehicle to the correct wheel positions.

Check the tire pressure for all wheels under "Fill info".
Correct the tire pressure to the required pressure if necessary.
Not really related but had two rear tyres on the Boxster and drove it home no problem. Next time I started it it was coughing and spluttering on two cylinders engine management light on and just would not clear. Had to stop and did the magical switch off and back on. Ran perfect on startup and not a problem since!!
Strange things these modern cars sometimes.????

I replaced mine on the 997.2 a few years back with these
I was told they would need to be programmed to the car but, in the event, I simply drove off and it picked them up without any programming. As your car is a similar vintage to mine, I would think the system is pretty much the same. I seem to recall on mine there is the option to set a different tyre type (summer/winter?) If you have that function, I wonder if it's worth trying to get it to learn a different tyre then, if that works, relearn with the correct tyre? It may be your Autel unit is messing it up?
I have also found the difference is the number 11 on the sensors with 433 MHZ

I do not know that this means but the 11 is on the original sensors also.
I will be buying 4 sensors and crossing my fingers and toes.

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