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PDK gear selector


PCGB Member
Am I the only person who’s frankly disappointed with the design of the standard 992 PDK gear selector? Why couldn’t they evolve the 991 design as they seem to have done for the 992 GT3?
Had similar thoughts initially, but you get used to it and I now really enjoy the setup.


I'm a bit thin on wisdom nowadays, but I can speak a bit from my own experience. [:D]


Pokhara said:
Am I the only person who’s frankly disappointed with the design of the standard 992 PDK gear selector? Why couldn’t they evolve the 991 design as they seem to have done for the 992 GT3?

You aren’t alone. I think it’s pretty lame compared to the 991 shifter

looks and feels like an afterthought

I was disappointed in the move from 991 to 992, as the Braun shaver was a step back, and I miss(ed) the ability to change gear with it. However, as Clive says, you get used to it.
Timrice said:
I was disappointed in the move from 991 to 992, as the Braun shaver was a step back, and I miss(ed) the ability to change gear with it. However, as Clive says, you get used to it.

Plus the added advantage if you're running late and need a quick shave on the way to work!

Joking aside, it would be nice to change gears with it, however, having recently done a PEC in a GTS and whilst pushing on I always go for the paddles keeping both hands on the wheel. I did the same with my BMW M4 Competition DCT that had both options. I do get that a stick shift PDK like in the GT3 might give that manual shift satisfaction to some extent.
I agree that the nubbin is a little "meh". It's a bit lost in the middle of the centre console and the expanse of shiny black plastic; it could probably have done with being a bit more of a "statement" piece. Personally, I'm not bothered by the fact you cannot shift gears using the centre stick but did prefer the pattern on the "older" PDK stick as selecting manual mode and park using buttons is not as intuitive as using the stick itself. The likes of Volvo and BMW have made a far better job of creating the equivalent selectors a lot more interesting to look at.

It does feel a cheap bit of kit, and not at all the substantial feel of its predecessor. That is supported by the number of cracked ones being replaced under warranty.

My wife’s mother picked up a new Macan last week and it’s still retains the previous versions PDK shift lever. This really surprised me as I would have thought that they would all have been brought into line now to reduce manufacturing costs.

I don't miss the old PDK lever where there was the opportunity to select gears manually.

Like Clive says, you get used to it.

Peter_Bull said:
It does feel a cheap bit of kit, and not at all the substantial feel of its predecessor. That is supported by the number of cracked ones being replaced under warranty.

My wife’s mother picked up a new Macan last week and it’s still retains the previous versions PDK shift lever. This really surprised me as I would have thought that they would all have been brought into line now to reduce manufacturing costs.

I don't miss the old PDK lever where there was the opportunity to select gears manually.

Like Clive says, you get used to it.

Is it worth optioning the slightly upgraded one in the spec configuration as it looks slightly bigger and better build quality?
What's the likelihood of the next update doing away with it completely? It seems to serve little purpose with PDK now and a couple of buttons would do the job.
I think the selector is very similar to
the current Golf R . It works for me
as I always used paddles and at least
there was no return to steering wheel buttons!
On a related matter the park and manual selection buttons look like they are led illuminated. Mine don’t

Has anyone got the upgraded selector? If so do you find it worthwhile? Haven’t seen one outside of the configuratornwhich may not do it justice. Hoping to finalise my spec. soon. Tony.

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