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It’s got to be asked....


PCGB Member
Ok I’ll be the one who asks the stupid anyone packing a flask and heading to a remote car park this weekend?

That sounds more than a little dodgy when I read it quickly! But yes, it appears that "meet ups" of a sort are sort of tacitly approved. Whilst "being alert" of course......

Morning Simon, since you’re the first one to ask “the stupid question” as you put it, I hope you don’t mind me adding my own personal view on this.

Whilst the government tell us we are now in a position to start moving towards level 3 (of 5) due to the constraints and efforts of many, this doesn’t mean we can now just throw caution to the wind and return to normal and do what we want. We are, after all, still at level 4 currently which clearly indicates a Covid-19 epidemic is still active; transmission is high or rising exponentially and as such we all still have a responsibility, morally and socially, to continue to do our bit and stay alert.

What does this mean? The government indicate staying alert means for the vast majority of people, staying at home as much as is possible, working from home when you can, limiting contact with people and still keeping your distance.

That said, I know some will come back highlighting that you are now allowed to drive as far as you like and interact with one friend outside your home. Lets look at that in more depth, I post I'm going for a drive somewhere on a particular day for some exercise, now suddenly several others think what a great idea, I will pop along and see my mate, then before you know it ten people turn up and so on, where does it end?

Some may say that wouldn’t happen, people are much more responsible than that. Having been at work throughout this pandemic I can tell you I fully sympathise with NHS staff and other key workers who are working tirelessly to ensure we all do our level best to manage and control the spread of this disease and the impact it has in the environment we work in, not just for our own benefit but to also ensure the safety of others. You would be amazed at some of the interaction we have had to endure while doing this, from stupidity & ignorance to selfishness and shear arrogance from some who feel rules simply do not apply to them as its their right to continue to do just what they want, when they want.

Therefore, I would ask any Club member, friend or colleague to think of the consequences before openly sharing, organising and creating such meets or social gatherings, to please think and put others first before hitting their keyboards. By all means, enjoy a drive, but please don't advertise it beforehand. Hopefully that way, eventually, we may all return to enjoying our cars and Club life quicker and together, without fear of a second wave of this virus, due to stupidity.

Well said, Greg. I admit to mixed opinions about this. Originally (before lockdown), I thought it did not sound unreasonable to go for a drive without contacting anyone else and only stopping potentially for petrol which could be paid for at the pump.

My opinion now is that, despite the relaxing of things so that we can travel further - for exercise - it does not give us carte blanche to drive where we like. I know this view is not shared by many in PCGB, and perhaps I’m just being pessimistic but my Porsche is (depressingly) staying in the garage. Better safe than sorry and all that.

Well said Greg for PCGB members we all know it's frustrating with postponed events.

Patience and sticking to guide lines is in our best interests.

Craiglm68 said:
That sounds more than a little dodgy when I read it quickly! But yes, it appears that "meet ups" of a sort are sort of tacitly approved. Whilst "being alert" of course......
I’m embarrassed to say that on reading what I posted it does look like I’m trying to work out where the nearest dogging location is....Oooops!

GordonT said:
Well said, Greg. I admit to mixed opinions about this. Originally (before lockdown), I thought it did not sound unreasonable to go for a drive without contacting anyone else and only stopping potentially for petrol which could be paid for at the pump.

My opinion now is that, despite the relaxing of things so that we can travel further - for exercise - it does not give us carte blanche to drive where we like. I know this view is not shared by many in PCGB, and perhaps I’m just being pessimistic but my Porsche is (depressingly) staying in the garage. Better safe than sorry and all that.
Yes, I’m about to have a wash & polish...again!

Let’s be clear I wasn’t proposing a run out! My original question came about as I’d arranged to meet my best friend earlier today. His mother passed away just over a week ago and her funeral took place on Thursday. We had agreed to meet in a car park central to the pair of us and share a flask of coffee at opposite ends of a bench whilst I give him time to talk about his experience over the last few weeks...I was wondering what others were planning on doing now things have relaxed ever so slightly?

Whilst it was good to see him again, offer condolences, and give him the opportunity to get recent events of his chest, in reality it was the worst picnic ever!

Not the best of circumstances, Simon, but entirely justified and I’m sure you both feel the better for it.


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