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21 Jun 2022

Appointment of Directors at the AGM

Full results will be announced at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday

Elections are taking place for the vacancies arising in the Board of the Club. Voting has closed and the results will be announced at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday.
As you will have seen from the notices posted in Porsche Post and on the website, there was only one candidate for the role of HR and Operations Director. The appointment of Rob Kellock will therefore be voted upon at the AGM by means of a poll, as envisaged in the Articles.
In the case of the IT Director position one member did put in a nomination form for the role but unfortunately did not qualify on a technicality regarding his Porsche ownership and was therefore rejected by the auditors. Although he was initially willing to be co-opted having established his correct qualification he subsequently decided to withdraw as in the meanwhile he had accepted an external directorship and was no longer able to undertake the director’s duties.  
The Board is therefore required to nominate a suitable person to fill this vacancy and has resolved to propose Chris James who was IT Director until 2018 and who has led the Expert team managing the next stage of digital progression in the Club as a suitable candidate for this role. His manifesto is attached to this message and he has fulfilled the necessary qualifications to be appointed.  Although it would have been possible to co-opt Chris into the role after the AGM to fill the vacancy and become quorate, the Board has decided in the interests of transparency to put the decision to a poll at the AGM when members will have the opportunity to express their view.
In the case of the Finance Director no candidate was nominated for this role. As a result, in order to ensure the good management of our financial affairs, the Board has asked our Company Secretary, Edward Gorringe who is a qualified Accountant, member and Porsche owner, to step up to this role so that our financial affairs are well looked after without interruption. Edward has accepted and the Board is nominating him to this role whilst retaining his Secretarial role and will also ask members to express their view on the proposal at the AGM.
With the election of the Communications Director the Board is aiming to be fully quorate at the end of the AGM and therefore able to continue to run the business of the club without interruption and in the normal way.

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