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OPC Drive and Dine


PCGB Member
Slightly confused by the procedure for this event

The bidding process is stated as being by "sealed bids", but I'm unsure how you can achieve this by email.

Also, the event description indicates an intention to keep everyone updated with highest bids, but doesn't this then negate the whole sealed bid strategy?

Furthermore, when will we know what cars we will be driving and therefore bidding for, please?


There will be a revised newsletter coming out soon.
I think the sealed bids by those not attending the club night in person should be mailed in.
There isn't anything in the event description which says the highest bids will be updated. I think you're confusing that with the flight auction.
The cars on the day will be advised by the Centre Principal in due course, as I understand it.
Thanks Alan,

I'm elderly, but not yet completely confused (thankfully). 🤔

"It is our intention to keep everyone updated on an ongoing basis of the latest highest bid as it is pointless bidding below if you want to be certain of standing a realistic chance of winning one of the places."

Also, reviewing the Lympstone Manor website, I see there is a variety of lunchtime menus on offer, which is the one we are competing for, please?

Since bidding is now open, I would hope all this information will be available quite soon.



As I said, there will be an amended newsletter coming out tomorrow which will clear up those points and include the menu.
The amendment will say 2 places in the auction, sealed bids for those not attending the club night to be posted and opened along with the others on the night.
The 3rd place will be raffled in the same way the previous one was run and the winning ticket drawn on the night too.
Further thoughts on the sealed bidding process. It could be done by email by submitting the bid in a password protected Word document.


I may have jumped the gun. Appears there is still some debate about how it will be run. However, there should still be a newsletter tomorrow clarifying. I think stocking it in an envelope and posting may work - not sure many of our members will sort out password protected docs.😉
Following on from the latest newsletter on this subject, is it possible to clarify what lunch we are bidding for at Lympstone Manor, please?

I appreciate it's a 4 course meal as per the sample, but the lunches on offer on the website are at £85, £185 and £230 per person, but none at £140pp - the figure given in the email - as far as I can see.

Also, it is a pity we have no further details of the cars available to drive, although it is appreciated it will all depend on what is around at the Centre in October. However, I would bid far more for drives in say, a 992 GT3 RS and a 718 GT4RS than I would for a Taycan and a Cayenne. 🤔


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If you review my previous post, it is the value of the menu I am querying.

Is it an £85 Lympstone Manor lunch or a special lunch at £140 as referred to in the prospectus?


It is a menu put together by Michael Caine at Kevin Turners request. Kevin and Michael know each other and have put this together for our event. We are no wiser than that, Kevin forwarded the menu when he received it from Lympstone Manor.
It is what it is, if you have been to Lympstone Manor before you will know what a special place it is and how good the food is so to have it as our lunch stop I am exceedingly grateful to Kevin.
Regarding the cars they will most likely be demonstrators and I would consider it most unlikely that there will be either a GT3RS or a 4RS this event needs to be looked at as a nice day out rather than an opportunity to drive GT cars.
I hope you will still feel able to put in a bid and good luck.
Thanks for clarifying Geoff,

I am fully appreciative of Michael Caine's accomplishments and it appears we are being offered a 4 course Lympstone Manor luncheon menu, which is all very fine.

I'm just wondering where the mentioned £140 lunch cost came from?


When I put the original newsletter together, I checked on the Lympstone website and there was a lunch menu at £140. The newsletter was put on hold. It appears the website has been updated since. Didn't just pluck a number out of thin air.
I'm most obliged.

Bidding having already started, it is important people are aware of the true value of items they are competing for.



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