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4 May 2024

Coffee with Ray

As ever, fellow Nineteeners, it’s our annual  ‘Away Day with Ray’ as we point the noses of our favourite rides in the direction of Northway Porsche for 4 May.

Ray and crew will be there as always and will have lots to show as their new workshop and showroom move towards completion, making Northway’s an even greater mecca for the Porscheophile.

Doors are open at 9am. Plentiful parking, old friends, new acquaintances, coffee and croissants will all be present and correct.

We have 40 places initially, this may increase if the weather is kind, i.e. it actually stops raining.

With a little bit of luck with the weather, this event always proves to be one of our highlights given the variety of Porsches our ‘Ray-Day’ seems to flush out. So, get onto the Big Booking Button below before we run out of places.

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